Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Global Achievement Gap

Chapter 2:  The Old World of School

Key Points:

  • G.A.P. is between what the academically able students are being taught v.s. what is needed to succeed in today's world.
  • We are not teaching our students the skills needed for them to succeed in today's world. Even the AP courses are not preparing our students, though these courses are supposed to be college-like courses. The students are coming out with good test scores but no hands-on skills. 
  • "... in the majority of the classes that we observed, teachers has a common purpose -a 'core curriculum,' if you will- ... It's often referred to as 'test prep,' and a growing number of people believe -and studies suggest- that teaching for the sake of succeeding on the state and national standardized tests is quickly becoming an epidemic in our nation's schools -one that is profoundly infecting our students and their ability to become critical thinkers..."(59)
  • The No Child Left Behind act may be one of the leading causes of the 'test prep' teaching style that is becoming so common in today's classrooms. With testing being done in reading and math basics every two years, schools are focusing on these subjects in order to account for the success of all their students. 
  • The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), designer of another standardized test, assesses the skills needed in life on a regular basis, through problem-solving and other assessments. 

Chapter 3: Testing, 1 2 3

Key Points:

  • The No Child Left Behind act has it's up's and down's. It is good for it's accountability, but the goals set for the act are unrealistic, making schools fall below the 'adequate yearly progress' maker, which leads back to the focus of the curriculum staying on 'test prep.'
  • Employers are finding that though their interviewees have taken and passes general math and science courses, they are not able to apply the problem-solving skills they supposed to have gained, yet we continue to teach our students the same courses with the same curriculum. 
  • Motivation among our students and adults entering the work force, has dropped significantly. The motivation to do well in school has dropped as well as the motivation to succeed in the work force. 

Chapter 4: Reinventing the Education Profession

Key Points:

  • To improve student learning, improving teaching and the coaching of teachers needs to be done.
  • Teacher prep programs are not focusing on what is needed to becoming an effective teacher. The student teaching programs are not giving students effective experiences before entering the work force. 
  • Without a strong administration or faculty, our schools and their teachers will not reach their potential. Passing courses and exams does not measure their capabilities and skills that really matter. 
  • With a possible new certification process, teachers would have to show their competence and critical skills in order to get and keep their license. 

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