The article explains Sauk Rapids-Rice district's plans for helping to pay for a full-time kindergarten program. As of right now, half-day kindergarten is free, and parents can pay to have their children in a full-day program. This is similar to many districts that I know of. The Sauk Rapids-Rice district however is changing their plans to allow $250,000 to go towards the full-time program. I think this is a great idea, a great way to help those families who can not afford the program. If I were one of the parents wanting my child in the full-day kindergarten, but could not afford it, I would be feeling like I am not giving my child the best. For me, this plan will help any parents who feel the same way.
Personally, I have worked with a full-day kindergarten classroom, and I believe that it is a really good program to have available to all students. The children I worked with had gained knowledge far beyond the average kindergarten student. These students were learning things that I did not even know. And they loved the idea of being smarter than the student teacher!
I agree, I think all day kindergarten is very beneficial for young children. I think the Sauk Rapids-Rice school districts plan to help support an all day kindergarten program is wonderful. Many people cannot afford to pay for it themselves, and I believe the younger children start learning the better.